
Website Package Features

Having a website is one thing. Having a website that works for your business is another. Our Premier Building Center websites are completely mobile responsive and include a variety of tools and integrations that will allow your customers a way to interact with you well beyond a random email or phone call. What's more is that your website is professionally maintained by an experienced team of marketing professionals and website developers. Your website will sit atop our amazing content management infrastructure and allow us (or you) to make changes, add specials, photos and more in real-time!

Here is a list of features included in every website package:

  • Premium Website Design & Development
  • Premium Website Hosting with SSL Security
  • Unlimited Updates and Website Changes throughout the year
  • Custom Project Estimate Forms and Updates as needed
  • Links to Manufacturer Websites/Products
  • Bargain Bin Showcase and Updates as needed
  • Premium Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Management
  • Email Newsletters
  • Contractor Directory
  • Contractor Portal
  • Online Bill Pay - Receive Secure Online Payments via your website
  • Coupons & Specials
  • Rental Equipment Showcase
  • Photo Gallery and Updates as needed
  • Monthly Traffic and Conversion Monitoring
  • Monthly Reports (Includes Google Analytics and Keyword/SERP results)
  • Professional Domain Management
  • 1 Domain Based Email Account